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5 Useful & Practical Browser Extensions for Software Developers? 

  1. Web Developer: This extension adds a toolbar to your browser with various web developer tools, such as a CSS editor, a JavaScript console, and a DOM inspector. It can help you quickly troubleshoot and debug your code

  1. JSON Viewer: This extension allows you to view JSON data in a more readable format, with collapsible nodes and syntax highlighting. It can be helpful when working with API's or when debugging JSON data. 


  1. Window Resizer: This extension allows you to hired dedicated dot net developers quickly resize your browser window to various preset sizes, such as those for different device types (e.g. mobile, tablet, desktop). It can be useful for testing your web page's responsiveness. 

  1. Grammar: This extension provides grammar and spelling checks for your browser. It can be useful for writing clear, error-free code comments and documentation. 

  1. Octotree: This extension allows you to quickly navigate through the file tree of a GitHub repository, making it easy to find the code you're looking for. It can be useful when working on open-source projects or when collaborating with other developers. 

These are just a few examples of the many browser extensions that can be helpful for software developers. It's always a good idea to keep an eye out for new extensions that can improve your workflow and productivity. 

Practical Browser Extensions for Software Developers 

  1. React Developer Tools: This extension is specifically designed for developers working with React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows you to inspect and manipulate the components, props, and state of a React application directly in the browser's developer tools. 


  1. Vue.js DevTools: This extension is specifically designed for developers working with Vue.js, another popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It allows you to inspect and manipulate the components, props, and state of a Vue application directly in the browser's developer tools. 


  1. Redux DevTools: This extension is helpful for dedicated cms developers in UK developers working with Redux, a popular library for managing state in JavaScript applications. It allows you to inspect and manipulate the state of your application, including viewing past actions and undoing or redoing them. 


  1. CodePen: This extension allows you to quickly and easily create and share code snippets. It can be useful for quickly testing out code, sharing examples with others, or creating demos for a portfolio or blog. 

  1. Wappalyzer: This extension helps identify technologies used on websites, such as content management systems, analytics tools, and frameworks. It can be useful for understanding the technology stack of a website, or researching the technologies used by competitors. 

These browser extensions are practical for mobile application support and maintenance service software developers as they help them inspect, debug, test and share their code with others. They are also specific to certain popular frameworks and libraries which make them more efficient for developers using those technologies.